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Qiyas Tests

Qiyas Tests (school calendar measurement of the secondary and tertiary school students abilities tests) are a group test data for college admissions in Saudi universities Saudi students and offered in high school and attend college before and some Alalchtbarat after graduation from the university. It is one of the National Center for measurement and evaluation tests, multiple tests including aptitude test students in math and Arabic language and test grades measures the students in science subjects for boys and acceptance testing measures the female students in science subjects and there a test of skills in English, a local test of English approximation of the TOEFL test the Arabic language, which local test of Arabic language to non-native speakers of these tests some mandatory and some choose which for admission to universities and colleges and all University stipulates specific degree of any test measurement. All slave measurement tests and presenter and published by the Higher Education Council, a non-profit organization in Saudi Arabia, which has developed and developed the National Center for Assessment in Higher Education supervising the test. Higher Education Council called for the test because it evaluates students' skills and abilities and Atjathm school and released as Patarrkh 06/19/1421 AH High a figure it 471/8 approve the Higher Education Council resolution, pro-Saudi Council of Ministers decree.

Is a test measures the ability of analytical and reasoning of the student, that is, it focuses on the ability to know the student to learn regardless of their own proficiency in a particular subject; and through the measurement of:

It includes test Bdzoah (verbal and quantitative) a number of experimental questions, but they do not count toward degree obtained by the student. Questions provided alternately between the verbal and quantitative part in five sections, each of which is allocated 25 minutes. A fixed number of questions in all the tests over the years, as well as divisions allocated to each department and time. The same questions vary from test to another and remains that there is a uniform level of difficulty of maintaining it between these tests. The center is to balance the results of each test with the results of previous tests by monitoring results; with the aim of standardization and consistency of the test. Arrange the questions, according to difficulty, from easiest to hardest in each section of the six test sections. The student must answer questions quickly included him answer all the questions in time for each section (25 minutes).

Test for two hours, divided into four sections for each section and twenty-five minutes.

Hold test center capacity in two periods (the first during the first semester and the second during the second semester) .oltalib the right to register and attend the test in a timely manner to him, during the test periods, and in the city where they live, or in the nearby city Menh.vantrz seeks, as far as possible , to the deployment of the headquarters of the test throughout the Kingdom; to reduce the transmission distance students in order to perform the test. Center sends a special bulletin of the dates and places of the test Todath to secondary schools in various regions of the Kingdom to be distributed to all students, and this newsletter containing all that is needed from the student information necessary, help him to register for the test.

