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Isotope lists, 25-48

The tables listed below provide information on the basic properties of all nuclides.

Click an element in the below periodic table to go directly to the table of nuclides for that element.


Main article: Isotopes of manganese

Main article: Isotopes of iron

Main article: Isotopes of cobalt

Main article: Isotopes of nickel

Main article: Isotopes of copper

Main article: Isotopes of zinc

Main article: Isotopes of gallium

Main article: Isotopes of germanium

Main article: Isotopes of arsenic

Main article: Isotopes of selenium

Main article: Isotopes of bromine

Main article: Isotopes of krypton

Main article: Isotopes of rubidium

Main article: Isotopes of strontium

Main article: Isotopes of yttrium

Main article: Isotopes of zirconium

Main article: Isotopes of niobium

Main article: Isotopes of molybdenum

Main article: Isotopes of technetium

