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Cookbook Museum

The first Nordic Cookbook Museum is located in Måltidens hus,Grythyttan, Sweden. The museum was inaugurated March 17, 2000 and is operated by the Grythyttan School of Hospitality, Culinary Arts & Meal Science. The room where the museum is situated is in a special built Kaba - a black cube. The architect Magnus Silfverhielm, fascinated by Arabic culture, made the Kaba to resemble a "holy" place for people interested in culinary arts, a bit like a "Mecca" for the like minded.

The museum has, through the project of interior design and choice of materials, tried to find connections to Tore Wretman (). He was one of Sweden's biggest cookbook authors and much of his work is on display at the museum. Had it not been for Carl Jan Granqvist his books would today have been spread out around the world. The books were auctioned out in London during 1997, where Carl Jan Granqvist bought the majority for the Swedish Academy of Culinary Arts & Meal Science.

The world´s oldest printed cookbook, "De honesta volupate", is also on display in the museum. The book, originating in the 15th century was written by Bartolommeo Sacchi de Piadena, a biographer and Pope's librarian at the time. There are also books from Cajsa Varg () among others, in the museum.

The museum's collection of books and documents dates back to as early as 1480 AD up until 1980 AD. It comprises about a thousand different works, mainly regarding food and culinary arts, but also beverages and their preparation. Most works can be classified as books, but there are also a number of pamphlets and menus.

The Cookbook museum estimate to have around 1500-2000 books in the museum today (2015-03-03)

