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Bacteriologist (Professional)

A bacteriologist is a professional trained in bacteriology a subdivision of microbiology. The duties of a bacteriologist include prevention, diagnosis and prognosis of diseases, as well as health care, and they may carry out various functions such as epidemiological surveillance, quality auditing, biotechnology development, basic research, management and teaching related to the career, scientist management, laboratory coordination and blood banks.

The name can vary depending on the official laws of each country and how they are established in the society and therefore they would have a different official name. Whether they have different official name among the countries, the background almost is similar.

Called Medical Laboratory Scientist or Bachelor of science in the United States depending on their training, bacteriologists to homologate their title in the United States are called Bachelor of Bacteriology.

The main aim of a bacteriologist is prognosticate, diagnose and the disease surveillance by a huge range of laboratory test, all of them in the context of health care. Hence, a bacteriologist plays a role in research, management of the health care, promoting health and disease prevention.

There are plenty of methods and procedures used by the bacteriologist in the clinical laboratory whose purpose is the diagnosis of various diseases, some of these techniques are:

Techniques in Clinical Chemistry: used for determination of various analyses in various biological fluids, different reagents are used to play colorimetric techniques and enzyme kinetics, among others. The result of these reactions were measured by spectrometer or other similar physical techniques to quantitatively determine the value of an analyte, so as measured quantitatively analytes such as creation, BUN, lipid profile, total protein, glucose, direct bilirubin and overall, among others.

Techniques in Immunology: many of the immunological techniques used in clinical laboratory are based on the ability of antibodies to bind to specific antigens either in vitro or vivo, is how this feature that is exploited by the professional laboratory diagnose various diseases and / or semi-quantitative or quantitative determination of various analytes, among the various techniques used in immunology section include: immunology Test as ELISA (Enzyme-linked immunodeficient assay) for its acronym in English, with agglutination techniques latex particles coated with antibody or antigen, agglutination techniques, articulation chromatography techniques, microorganisms stereotyping techniques, fluorescence, among many others. Some of the tests performed in this section mentioned techniques are: rheumatoid factor, antinuclear antibodies by agglutination with latex particles, c-reactive protein, chromatography for determination of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, HIV 1 and 2, hepatitis B virus, ELISA for determination of hormones and the presence of other microorganisms causing diseases among other tests.

